
The Truth

The truth is my blogs aren't true. They were simple a way of my true intentions showing in some way. I did not change, I did not try, and most of the things I said were just to reassure the feelings I desired so they wouldn't completely be suppressed by my opposing actions.
But I have found a path that seems to be working. All I do is go with the flow of things. School, work, relationships. You just have to go with the flow of them all, instead of worrying about the future. I was so caught up in what I wanted to be and how I would get there that I didn't really focus on what I was. And to tell you the truth, I liked most aspects of me. The parts that I despised were the ones I viewed myself as. Unfortunately that led to failures and bouts of depression. But that's okay. things happen and they're supposed to.
Yes, I still plan for the future. But only financially really (you have to do that). Overall though, I never think about what I'm going to become or what I want to be because I'm pretty awesome how I am. The only problem I seem to be carrying is jealousy and anger management. And those are things that can be addressed.
So that's all. No more dramatic postings or fantasized realizations because I don't care anymore. I love my life. It's going quite good, and all I had to do was stop worrying about the future. It's going to come eventually, so just enjoy the now.